Adding a Prize
Last updated
Last updated
Login to your website via:
Begin by going to Products > Add New
1. Title
2. Description
3. Image (Right hand side)
4. Category > Active Competitions
Here you can specify the competition details from min/max tickets, start and end date and more. Fill in all that are required.
Check “Randomly assign ticket number(s) without ticket number Picking”.
This will ensure customers are given random tickets numbers between the specified minimum and maximum number.
Manual Winner Picking will be enabled for you automatically but if you wish to run ‘Autodraws’, please ask us to revert this.
Please double check you have inputted the correct information before setting a Prize live
Under the section called “Publish” (top right of the page), click the blue publish button to make the competition live. You can edit the publish time and date to schedule the prize for a later date.